Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. -- Gene Fowler

Friday, March 26, 2010

Editing While Writing: Not Advised.

I've found myself thinking about things I'm picking up from Self-Editing For Writers whenever I read something. Mostly with respect to my own work, but sometimes I read someone else's and think, "Ooh, bit of weak language there," or "Hey, easy with the semicolons, buster." I've also realised I've become a bit confused as to what should or shouldn't be done with my novel or my short stories, which have been woefully neglected so far this week.

I mentioned previously that I've struggled with editing as I write my short story, striving to keep it tight and short while in the process of creating it, which is not a good thing. I fear that if I sprawl too much in the initial writing phase that editing and revising the piece will be a lot harder. I'm finding out how much of a mess it is to try to rein in a NaNoWriMo novel, which is designed to be written pell-mell and in a hectic fashion. How much harder will it be to go through that with a short story? And should I do it anyway, for the work of it and to perhaps learn something?

I must say, though, that I am, in my own geeky way, enjoying grabbing a highlighter and marking out mechanics, as advised by Self-Editing: beats, narrative summary (not too much of that, now!), etc. Self-Editing is one of those books I may well grab for myself rather than endlessly checking it out of the library. They've even got me coming around on the subject of -ly words. A little. Kinda. Where was I? Oh yes - break out the highlighters, there's work to be done! Hyah! *whipcrack*

It's clear to me that I was in one certain mood when I began this post yesterday and now I am in a rather different state of mind. I'll be busy today and it's better to be a bit wired and weird (anagram!) than sullen and grrar.

I must now away. Have a good weekend. Write/draw/paint/sculpt/compose something this weekend! It will make it better, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I often get hung up on word choice while writing, and I can completely disrupt my flow by getting distracted by trying to come up with decent synonyms for overused words, and letting the perfect completely derail the "good-enough-for-now." I really should write first and swap out overused words later, but it's hard not to be obsessive and wind up with one awesome paragraph and nothing else written. B)
